What is the height of your layout?
Yeah, "ideal" layout height can vary, even for the same layout. My youngest granddaughter is about 1 1/2 and quite interested in my trains and the details on the layout. However, she's not yet tall enough to see even the lower level, so I sit on a rolling office chair with her on my knee and we wheel around checking things out. The upper level is mostly empty, but the staging yard is complete and its tracks populated by various cars and locos - she usually picks the one she wants to run when we do the initial walk-around tour of the room.
An older granddaughter, 9, is often interested in the trains, too, and she's quite a careful operator. I've posted a few of the photos which she's taken, as they're pretty nicely-composed. She's tall enough to see all but the upper level, but often likes to view the lower level from a step-stool - perhaps a fan of Barney Secord's work. Wink


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