swap meet vs ebay pricing
Catt Wrote:The funny part is this loco's MSRP is $99.95.They are selling them for $118.95 with "FREE Shipping" Eek Needless to say I don't even bother checking their feedback I just pass on by. :mrgreen:

Charlie B Wrote:about a year ago I was folling a Blue Line PRR J (used) on Ebay. it sold for 25 bucks more than a brand new J that was DCC and sound equipped. I cant figure it. If you set a price that you will not go above you eventually will get what you want at the price you want.
The great buys are on Craigslist.

There is (possibly was?) a hobby shop on Market Street in Philadelphia, that priced models like that. Models that MSRPed for $135 and normally sold for $80 on Ebay were all marked up to $150. Even the Blue-Box kits were selling high! If it was marked down, it was the bottom of the barrel.

I had unconsciously commented aloud how expensive these prices were, which attracted the attention of the shop owner. His response was, verbatim, "Someone will buy it". Being a particularly "Passionate" hobby shop owner, he proceeded to tell me with much energy, just what he thought about model pricing.

His theory was if someone wanted it, they would pay the price. Why should he discount his prices when someone will buy it?

It sounded totally nuts to me, but then again, few models ever appeared to loiter in that store for too long. Indeed, someone was "Paying the Price". I only ever bought a few models from that shop, some were lucky finds, others I probably got gouged. Pretty much every time I ever went into that hobby shop, I came out with a story to tell, so I guess it was a net positive in the end?

I have heard lately though, that the building that hobby shop was in went up for sale, so maybe he finally ran out of customers with deep pockets.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
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