How do you make time for trains?
We have all been in your shoes.

yellowlynn Wrote:GEC, my memory may be screwed up, but I was thinking at one time you said you had a model of the B-47. That was the hot bomber of 1951. If my memory is correct, what are you doing with a B-47 model if you are only 25 now? In 1953-55 I helped teach instrument flying to B-47 pilots. I ran across a picture from the McConnell AFB paper of a model I had built of the flight simulator we used for instrument flying. I think I was 24 or 25 at the time. Ahhh, memories.


Yup, I have a small but perpetually unfinished RB47H kit. I do love those early jet fighters and bombers, can't get enough of those silver planes!

However, I'm probably worse with model airplanes than anything else. I pick them up, but I rarely start them, let alone actually finish one! Everytime I've ever finished a model airplane kit, it has ended up crushed due to bizarre circumstances. It has been very discouraging to say the least! I don't know why I continue to buy these kits! Indeed, the whole reason I switch to model trains is because had enough head ache and heart ache building model airplanes.

I continue to buy airplane kits though, although I rarely start them, and I haven't finished any of them in probably a little under a decade.

Aaahhh... I model airplanes as well..I have a few plastic kits sitting in the "to do" pile...One thing that's held me up is I don't know if there a paint that simulates the shiny metallic finish of fighter planes...Is there such a paint (In spray cans.).?? Sure would like to get a few done... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).

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