Freelance 2015-1
I guess to able to mix eras is very important on a layout as at times it is nice to use it as an time machine. I love modern diesels and cars but when you couple up just a flex you realize that they are space eating monsters. Also the fact like the fifties, the railroads were busier than today. I had a plan previously to have buildings placed on modules that were interchangable, one block or buildings that was let's say from the fifties and one more modern with all the modifications done with time. Vehicles and such would be changed too but that is a hobby within the hobby to collect them and when necessary fix them up to get closer to real thing. I still have that in mind as I have loads of engines and cars from various eras! I guess old times suit your current layout theme quite well and it will as usual follow these threads of yours. It was THE reason why I became a member here!

Right now I am studing how a common truck and other commercial vehicles looked during the fifties. I still like the idea of a city branch or secondary main through a big city. One idea is to Place it in New York and using all those terminals in Brooklyn as a template to make my own operation, the other is in L.A with a secondary main with only zebra striped engines with limited number cars on transfers and switching as I allways have been a fan of Bob Smaus's layouts. I know that he models SP but then again I do have a healthy roster of SP engines perfect for the eighties. As more modern, I love the GMD 1.s and they would fill the bill or going to same stuff using just diesels on a Swedish layout. Time will tell.... By the way I got myself a 0n30 ten Wheeler which looks and run awesome... But threads here like yours are allways an inspiration! So keep it up!

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