RS Laser Kits - redneck garage
Hey everyone thanks for the comments, but I don't post things for the pat on the back I put things out there so other folks get ideas. I never said I was going anywhere I just remembered why I left. I started out on the original Guage with Shamus, Catt, Robin and a few others that are still left. I mainly scratchbuild all my buildings but once and awhile I will do a kit. I put the door together without thinking it through because it is a kit and I figured the mfg. would have figured it all out. I also sent the maker of the kit a nasty e-mail pointing out his failure and that this might just bring an end to the world as we know it. He sent one back saying he was sorry and that he would probably jump off a bridge in shame. So lets just let this go and I will get back to modeling.

Andy Kramer - modeling the Milwaukee Road in Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Road is alive and well and running in my basement
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