Restoring/ repainting passenger cars
I recently got a collection of 13 passenger cars off ebay.
4 athearn
[Image: Athearn%201_zpsmksw52qs.jpg]
7 Rivarossi
[Image: Rivarossi%203_zpsdmtxsm5o.jpg]
2 unknown vintage cars (anyone know the make of these? Wood floors, metal walls)
[Image: vintage%201_zpsxmouyjcy.jpg]

I decided to repaint and sell the athearn cars, and two of the Rivarossi's. The rest I'm repainting, doing a bit of detail work and displaying. Unfortunately I don't have a layout big enough to run them, but maybe someday.
There was one car that didn't need repainting, I think it has a factory paint job:
[Image: 003_zps9qzrvfpd.jpg]
The rest were poorly painted, mostly with a brush. Included in my 'keep pile' are:
Heavyweight Pullman coach
Heavyweight Diner
Lightweight coach
lightweight sleeper roomette.
I stripped them all with easy-off oven cleaner. The fumes may be unpleasant but the paint falls right off.

I'm repainting the Pullman in Canadian pacific
Here's how it looked:
[Image: 008_zpsok1gmp6k.jpg]
I shaved all the cast-on grabs, and added brass wire ones, then repainted it in Scalecoat CPR Tuscan red
[Image: 004_zpsjj9stfql.jpg]
I painted it at the same time as I painted my doodlebug project so it's just 'airing out' before I mask and paint the underside, then decal. I have an interior for it and it will become a trailer for the doodle bug when completed.

I did the same with the diner, replacing the grabs with wire. I added Tichy stirups to replace broken ones. The previous owner added an extra kitchen door to make it more like a CNR prototype so that's what it will be.
[Image: 002_zpsnakg32ia.jpg]
It's sitting in primer and will later be painted in CNR green
Finally my two lightweight cars
[Image: 001_zpseb0n59ov.jpg]
I trimmed the end skirts off and drilled holes for the grabs. I'll be adding the grabs after the paint since I'll be painting these in CN's post 54' paint scheme and will have to mask the sides. Since the skirts are removed I had to add the steps the are behind them. I salvaged the steps from an old Bachmann caboose.

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