Mindheim Track Doubled
Guys, thank you all for the detailed views of the train´s personal.
I really enjoyed the video of the tank car switching.

Maybe I should tell some more information about the layout´s range of use.
First of all, it would be a removable part for my home layout that will lead once along the wall in a closed circle.
So there will be plenty of space to pull the cars out of the siding and re-spot them.

The now discussed section will be 100% americaN compatible and is meant to take part on modular-meetings in the German FREMO.
Here´s the link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.fremo-net.eu/american.html?&L=6">http://www.fremo-net.eu/american.html?&L=6</a><!-- m -->

So what I´m trying to do here, is combinating switching-layout and modular mainline railroading.
The long runaround would help to have trains passing each other.

I know, I should´ve been mentioning that from the beginning, but I did not expect this discussion to go that far.

Guys, if I don't bleed to death pretty soon, I'm gonna die of boredom.

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