Missing thread
Tyson Rayles Wrote:When I click on that link I get this message:
"No posts exist inside this topic for the selected time frame.

Oh geeze, this has to be most frustrating for you.... sorry about this Mike. Let's try this, rather than trying to view that thread, here's the info for clearing the cache in both IE and older and newer versions of Firefox. Let me know if this does or does not make a difference. One other thing you might try is to log out, then back in again.

There are three things we normally ask you to do when you’re having problems logging on to Big Blue, or having some difficulty doing something here. We suggest that you try clearing the following:
  • Cookies remember that you’ve asked to remain logged on and it remembers what posts you’ve already viewed.
    Cache remembers the content of pages that you’ve viewed and will load them or parts of them sometimes in order to save time since some things on a site may not change from one session to another.
    History is a list of sites that you’ve visited and links that you’ve clicked on.
It is always a good idea to allow cookies on your computer since you may not be able to see all of the contents of some sites, and not be allowed to participate in a discussion or be allowed to post messages. Many sites, like Big Blue remember if you’ve asked to remain logged on and it remembers what posts you’ve already viewed. That information is kept on your computer as “cookies”, not on Big Blue.

Occasionally, things on Big Blue appear as not to update. Your, “cache” or, “temporary internet files” on your computer may be sending you old data and not updating from our web site.

When strange things happen, like not being able to stay logged on, or not seeing the latest updated threads, we normally suggest clearing, "History", Temporary Internet Files (cache)" and "Cookies and Website data". The names are different with some browsers, but the functions are the same. This will mean that you will lose all your log-in info from all the sites that you've been logged onto, but doing this may solve your problem.

For Firefox browsers:
To clear your History, Temporary Internet Files (Cache) and/or Cookies on older versions of Firefox:
  1. Using the toolbar at the top of the browser, select Tools/clear all history.
  2. In the “clear all history” window, you will see a list of things that you can clear. If you don’t see the list, click on “details”.
  3. Click on the items you want to clear such as, “History…”, “Cache”. You can clear your “Cookies” at this point as well. Be sure that “everything” shows in the menu at the top of the page.
  4. Remember, this action cannot be undone, so be sure of what you’ve selected before proceeding.

To clear your History, Temporary Internet Files (Cache) and/or Cookies on newer versions of Firefox:
  1. Using the toolbar at the top of the browser, select History/clear recent history.
  2. In the “clear all history” window, you will see a list of things that you can clear.
  3. Click on the items you want to clear such as, “History…”, “Cache”. You can clear your “Cookies” at this point as well. Be sure that “everything” shows in the menu at the top of the page.
  4. Remember, this action cannot be undone, so be sure of what you’ve selected before proceeding.

For IE browsers:
To clear your History, Cache and/or Cookies:
  1. Go to "Tools/delete browsing history" at the top of the browser, there you will find a page with all the things you can delete including, Temporary Internet Files. Cookies and History.
  2. Just check the boxes that you want to delete the data from, and uncheck those that you don't.
  3. Click "delete".
  4. Remember, this cannot be undone.

For Chrome browsers:
To clear your History, Cache and/or Cookies:
  1. Click on the “customize” icon (three bars) at the top right corner of the browser and click on “History” from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the “Clear browsing history” button.
  3. Another way would be to go to “Tools/clear browsing history”
  4. Here you can choose what you want to clear including, “browsing history”, “cookies” and “cache”.
  5. Just check the boxes that you want to delete the data from, and uncheck those that you don't.
  6. Click the "clear browsing data" button at the bottom of the window.
  7. Remember, this cannot be undone.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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