Freelance 2015-2
Reinhard,In my studies a lot of terminal and switching railroads had several customers instead of one-there are exceptions but,even today these switching roads serve many industries.
Also note in the 20-30s there was no interstate highways or long distance trucking like we see today so,freight moved by rail and there was many single car customers that needed switched daily that's why there was millions of boxcars in service.

Also many modelers are confused with various railroad terms like terminal road,switching road and private industrial railroad.
A terminal road could be like BRC,IHB EJ&E,TRRA while a switching road would be like NOPB, Galveston Wharves,Union Freight RR ,NYCH, Terminal Railway Alabama State Docks and other like roads.

A private industrial railroad is exactly that..A in plant rail operation that switches a large industrial plant like a steel mill,large brewery,a large foundry,a freight car repair company,large grain elevators etc.Today many short lines offers in plant 24/7 switching services for many large industries including large grain elevators.

Summerset Ry

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