Freelance 2015-2
The green lawn was very misplaced. It was easy to remove as it was built the lawn on a very thin layer of styrene glued to blue foam. The styrene peeled easy from the blue foam and a layer of gray paint is an easy temporary surface. I will come back to that area later. The tree has been axed down too.
Next are the buildings at the far left rear corner and the freight house.

[Image: IMG_4260_zpsg5zi3ngs.jpg]

Put some cobblestone sheets to get an impression of the scenery I am after

[Image: IMG_4261_zpss3iuqib6.jpg]

ps. The apple spell checker is nasty guy. He catches lots of spelling errors fine but the autocorrect feature quite frequent replaces words at random (probable with more frequent used words) destroying the meaning of the sentence. e.g. "spelling" was replaced with "selling" and "was" in this sentence with "war". Very confusing...

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