Ottawa, Algonquin & Georgian Bay
I have (as noted some six years ago Eek ), a partly completed model of the Highland Inn. This will form the basis for a module containing the Algonquin Park (Cache Lake) station, Park HQ buildings, and of course the Inn itself and associated buildings. These include the boathouse/pavilion, change house, pump house and water tower.

I have also planned Marlpost as a fictional town that will reside on the line somewhere. This is to be a single mainline stop that includes a run-around and a couple of sidings. A station will be accompanied by: a milk depot, water tower, grain elevator, fuel depot, as well as a section house and other maintenance buildings.

I really like the (real) towns of Brighton and Mildmay, Ontario. These two towns appeal to me as I think they would have been very important in the 1930s, and provide a good cross section of typical small industries that no longer exist. One other village is the Cataract (Forks of the Credit), that while on a CPR route, is important to me as a childhood memory. It's also quite interesting as it is among other things, the site of one of the first Hydro power stations in Ontario, and the original site of the Canada Dry ginger ale bottling plant.

Other scenes that are not yet fully developed include two houses that figure in my life - a childhood home in Orangeville (near CPR tracks, but nevermind), and the first house I bought in Kemptville. I'd also like to include a canoe factory as another example of a cottage industry that was once served by rail, but are now mostly gone.


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