GN F7A + 2-8-2
It took me awhile to get around to posting this, but this last Valintines week-end I took my wife and went for 3 days to the Oregon coast. We had some very nice weather (for this time of year). One of the high lights (for me anyway) was stopping at Garibaldi to checkout the turist train there <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. The Heisler is down for repair, but they had a GN F7A on lone to pull the train. Here are a couple of picture that I took. The guy that runs the engine came buy as I was taking picture from the outside and he invited me in for a look. What luck, I had never been an engine before. The also had a old baldwin 2-8-2 on display.
I'll be going back in the summer when the weather is better for a ride. It is only $13.00.


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