Freelance 2015-2
You work fast and have the right eye for the details. Looks like it is indeed the thirties. I made a little test yesterday and I took a piece of a flex track on the table. Parked one of Sou high nose Geep 38.s on it and a couple of more modern cars on it and the track was full with just three or four pieces. After that I took one of my Geep 7.s on it with fifties era car, mostly 40 footers and I almost got a short peddle on the same track. I guess this why the early eras are more perfect for a layout as you can have more equipment on it and able to pack more action on it without making it toy like. I am still struggling on the theme of the layout and era, though in my head the track plan is more or less set. One idea I get while looking your new lay out is how about adding a 90 degrees dummy crossing with a trolley line on one of the streets? Maybe parking one of the fine looking recent Bachmann trolleys on it too. But I can almost smell the smoke from the steamers and here the rumble from the activity from the past on your layout, in any version you have had, you always nail it. And these threads are very interesting to follow.

The current scene reminds me of a small switching line at Liljeholmen in Stockholm during the eighties when on the one side there were old brick warehouses with a rough street with tracks crossing the street to the ware houses. Between them and the very cramped J-shaped yard towards the water front. On the other side is still one of the main roads to the south west side of the city and it dived under the viaduct where the yard makes the bow at the bottom of the "J" and at the very end was a location of a freight terminal. One track there was extended to a cement plant not far away from the freight house.
The line used electric current and saw smaller 0-6-0 electrics (available from Trix/Marklin) guess to the seventies when the catenary was taken down while the masts were left untouched and by the to the end it used usually a T21 (Heljan) or a T44 (jeco, Trix/Marklin) diesels. At the opposite end the line was connected to a major yard by a tunnel and next to it was a switch back to the docks where there was/is a warehouse and liquor plant. Now a days the brick canyon is gone and replaced by modern office buildings and the yard is transformed in to depot for the light rail system of the city. But it still if I get more photos, some of the plans I have a layout in the future. When I was in schooling with my work and getting some printed work material, I was a lot there at projects at my work and was able to see some of the action back then.

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