MDC/ROUNDHOUSE locomotive rebuilds
Well out of the paint shop and ready for cleanup and assembly:
[Image: DSCF5007_zpsosze4oof.jpg]
I used a Wal-Mart rattle can of flat black to paint the parts. I really like the color because it has a tinge of charcoal in it and the paint is inexpensive. It makes for a great starting point for weathering later.
[Image: DSCF5008_zpsmuxmybgx.jpg]
I re-assembled the crossheads/cylinders and yoke. I used some Lacquer thinner and Q-tips to clean the paint off the guide rods and front pilot wheel treads. Upon re-assemble I found another bind caused by a slightly bent guide rod so I swapped it out.
[Image: DSCF5009_zpsxpoym8lr.jpg]
I painted the chassis with the retainer plate in place to mask those two mating surfaces. Then I cleaned the axle slots and gear housing with more thinner and Q-tips.
Now before I start re-assembly, should I be lubricating the axles and gears with anything?

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