Big Differences in Decoders? Or just hype?
All good information - thanks guys!

(I'm waiting for some decoders to arrive...seems like the economic times are hitting everyone including the manufacturers. Almost everything I have on order is at least two months behind the first/second/third promised date.)

I wondered about the decoder differences because of the way the hobby store owner seems to "push" one particular brand. Without an unbiased comparison made by someone who knows what they're doing, it's hard to figure out why to buy one product over another. Every maker says their product is the best of course...but I figured there were those who knew some limitations or installation problems of various brands.

I'm definitely going to ask for some help when I get to the point where I'm modifying a non-dcc ready loco. Thanks again.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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