A thick and large pressure tank ...
Sumpter, Mikey, thanks for your honoring reply.

Yes, the number of rivets may be "Quite sufficient", however I think that the tank was not absolutely leakproofly. Already on early pictures you can see how the edges are additionally filled with sealants and later the seams were additionally welded.
Nowhere I have read of the used pressure where the tests were made, however I'm sure that the tests with flying models were done under vacuum condition in order to simulate flights in great heights. And then such a tank should not have leaks!

and what would be "sufficient" in your mind? Are 3.612 rivets enough in your sense? Ok, this is exactly this number which you can count on the tank, however I think that I have pressed near to 10.000 rivets with all the tests and including all the failed parts. And nevertheless there were never a "pressure" while I built this tank. On the contrary, I was very happy with every progress because I have entered a new territory with every step which never I have done before.
Cheers, Bernd

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