Weekly Photo Fun 2/5 - 2/11/16
Well, I haven't posted for a while, but I have done some new things. For the first time in a long time, I've weathered some of my engines! I figured some of those Conrail Patch Jobs shouldn't look so clean!

GP30 #2168 was the first to get the dirt. I might have put it on a little heavier than the prototype, but its not bad. before this, it looked way too "bright" for an engine that has been around! I painted the underframe grimy black, and then used weathering powders on the body and trucks. I also tried to put a wash on the engine before hand, but I didn't really get noticeable results.

[Image: P1301009.jpg]

[Image: P1300996.jpg]

Next on the list is my newest paint job, Former Reading Company, now Conrail GP35 #3640! This engine was unique in that it was the only GP35 to get the "All Green" Reading company paint. I still need to dull-cote it a little (probably should have done that before weathering, but i can always reapply what goes away). Still, I'm very happy with how it came out. Trying to replicated the worn-out patch look was definitely a little scary. Had to make it look blotchy without making it look too painted on!

[Image: P1301015.jpg]

[Image: P1300991.jpg]

[Image: P1301010.jpg]

A little bit of a brighter shot prior to my weathering attempts. I tried to make the CR patch faded out just like the photograph. In some pictures, its barely visible. I think #3640 got a blue paint job by late 1980, so this patch wasn't long lived. I used the Mount Vernon Shops CR patch decals, as they come with the stencil lines visible in some patch jobs.

[Image: P1270944.jpg]

[Image: P1270930.jpg]

[Image: P1270922.jpg]

They look good together under my Reading Company catenary, that is for sure! I plan to run these for the last few weekends of my club's open house.

[Image: P1301029.jpg]

I also started to weather the body of GP18 #7499, but I haven't gotten around to the trucks yet.

[Image: P1301050.jpg]

Weathering is going to have to be the new skill I pick up. To much of my "old" conrail stuff should probably be a little more beat up, if only subtly so.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]

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