Small Stamp Mill
I finished off the first layer of ground cover this morning.
[Image: DSCF5688_zpseta0ayze.jpg]
I need to do a bit of clean up around the rails and where the mill will go before I soak everything in some scenic cement to set it all down. I'm planning to add some static grass on the greener side of the mountain before added trees and brush. I also noticed that the scenery going up the backdrop needs some other color as well. The white glue stained the ground foam a bit too much.
I also have to re-lay the track to replace the turnout I removed, then ballast.
[Image: DSCF5687_zpsdof1vscl.jpg]
I also filled in some bare spots and added some larger rocks to the mine waste areas. I'm thinking of adding a dead tree to the corner for some effect. This area needs a bit more variety as I see it. It looks a bit too moon-like.

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