Sweet sound
Charlie, I got mine from Zimo. The part# is LS13X18. I think that is the dimension 13 x 18mm. I bought 5 and one was close to dead. I called the seller and had a chat about sugar cubes as I had no experience. I asked if dead on arrival is a problem, he said that is not usual but he told be that they are quite sensitive to overload.
That information is not important to me because I suffer from extreme sensitive ears but you may check with other sources how sugar cubes behave if they are pressed hard.
I read also that plain replacement speaker for iPhones are very cheep. I ordered some just for 1 euro a piece but I have to build the baffle. May be a nice and low cost try to fit then in tight space.

I am afraid my old camera is not suitable to produce useful sound clips. YouTube is for sure a better source to get an impression of professional recorded sugar cube sound. Just search for "sugar cube speaker".
This professional side http://www.sbs4dcc.com/sugarcubespeakers.html might be useful too.

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