Small Stamp Mill
Back at the workbench to finish off the mill details
[Image: DSCF5816_zpsxmrdhu1c.jpg]
I built the loading dock out of scale lumber, 2X8 for the deck, 4X6 and 6X6 for the framing and legs. I stained all the wood gray before gluing.
[Image: DSCF5822_zpssjp6q7zl.jpg]
attached to the structure.
Then I started on the tall smoke stack for the boiler/steam engine. I used brass for it's strength.
[Image: DSCF5817_zpsi1rgaaer.jpg]
I soldered a 1" x1" square of brass to the stack, using a butane torch.
[Image: DSCF5819_zpsnijvwkzg.jpg]
Then I formed a small loop and soldered that onto the short length of slightly larger tubing to for the collar and guy-wire attachment.
[Image: DSCF5820_zps8xx1cart.jpg]
then that was slid down the stack and glued into place. I didn't want to solder the collar to the stack since the heat would probably melt the solder bonding the ring.
[Image: DSCF5823_zpsxz3xe4fd.jpg]
I glued the stack to the roof with medium thickness CA. Now it's time for the corrugated roofing.

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