My expierience with big locos
nice to see your step to large brass models and I'm sure that you makes a good job in changing and detailing of these models.
However I'm not sure if you not ought to go another way with rebuilding the power line, especially on the big articulated. Please compare your picture that I copied for this post.

[Image: dsc09858e0u6d.jpg]

The hardened plastic tubes by universal joints is a good and necessary change, absolutely!
But I'm not sure if the plastic parts of NWSL are a good and durable choice of material especially for the Challenger.
You remember my problems with absolutely identical parts that were used in later years by OMI, where they replaced the metal parts on their universal joints with plastic, especially the balls. All were cracked at the drive of my only diese loco frame and I need also to repair the cracked sockets in my Erie 0-8-8-0 L-1, an extraordinary expansive brass model however with defects on universal joints because plastic have been used for these parts.

You have replaced the motor by a more powerful one and I think that this model needs such a motor and this loco with a weight near to 3 pounds ought to pull 60 or 80 cars without problems. However I'm absolutely sure that this will not work with these fine univarsal parts made from plastic. I'm sure that the loco will run without a train, maybe with 10 or 15 cars on a small Fremo layout, but more?
My advise is to replace all the plastic parts of your universals by metal, all! However I know also from the problem about receiving universal joints which are made from metal, especially from brass in the needed size for our loco models.
What do you think about use of railing posts for ship models as a base in order to build the "connecting bone"? See this picture where I have built a fast made sample for you.

[Image: img_1835k.jpg]

Ok, you must make the sockets too, however you own a lathe and a milling machine and so this would not be a big problem. However your model will not have a malfunction while the next presentation with friends or while pulling a longer train.
Here you will find some more offers of such railing posts on this catalog on page 17 (Seite 17), railing posts for one, two or three ropes in different sizes. And I think that it will be a simple work if you need different lenghts of these "bones". You can cut them and solder again using a well fitting brass sleeve with the wished lenght.
I think that this ought to be a well working alternate for your loco and I'm sure that this will work, durably!
In next days I will write a short description on my website where I will like to present a second methode for scratch-built universal joints and if I have made some new pictures of this method I will like to present this also here.

However first, enjoy your new locos and I'm looking forward to see your next modifications. Wish you success!
Cheers, Bernd

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