My expierience with big locos
Completing the electrification furthermore:

[Image: dsc09922t8sk0.jpg]
The 7-pole socket is the connector between loco and tender, so they can be easily separated. From this point onward the wires are insider the tender shell, so i used the NMRA colour code for wiring. A 8-pole socket according NMRA rules was made and so it is possible to plug simply in the decoder of your choice.
The 2-pole socket is intended for a back up light.

[Image: dsc09921t5s5e.jpg]
A first test running on the workbench. First in anlalogue mode, then a decoder was plugged in and in DCC mode.
The only additional device at this stage is the front light.

[Image: dsc09881j5sjc.jpg]
When comparing this modell with prototype photos, a lot of details were missing. The black markings on the boiler show things to come.

[Image: dsc09882wgss1.jpg]
What i have done were four footboards beneath the crossheads out of L-shaped and rectanguler profiles.
And then going mad, my attempts to make moveable lube pump drives 35

[Image: dsc09883lks9d.jpg]

[Image: dsc09884zrshs.jpg]

[Image: dsc09885prs6y.jpg]
My first attempt for the lube pump drives were out of 0.3mm bronze wire. But this is rather hard and here my possiblities to form a lug out of it were limited. The lugs were bend with an very pointed tweezers and this was the smallest diameter which i resulted. There are 4 lube pumps, one further is not mounted yet.
And here the question is, will this drives stay attached when the loco is running under layout conditions :?:

Cheers Lutz

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