HO Grand Trunk 2-8-0 (Class D2)
Question: Anybody tried to remove Bachmann 2-8-0 domes? By Jove, it's glued down crazy. I'm puzzled. If possible, I'd like to salvage the domes. If impossible, I'll have to sacrifice them...

EDIT: After struggling with the boiler and fracturing it in two while stamping the dome (yes... the boiler split in two halves but sand dome stayed perfectly attached), I found an old tutorial by or very own Doctorwayne advising us to use lacquer thinner. I did, it worked... Oh well, live and learn... live and learn indeed. Fortunately, the boiler split flawlessly along a boiler strap so it was easy to glue it together. It shouldn't be visible. 357 357 357

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