The Burbank Branch
Hello everyone. Another long hiatus, but be assured the Burbank Branch has been running on a regular basis.
I had a little time to work on the Silos at the Oroweat bakery. While not 100% accurate and still a WIP, I think they will fill the bill.

Prototype Photo Terry Guy:
[Image: 2805036574_b17a477f2a_o.jpg]
Bakery Curve by Terry Guy

[Image: IMG_4465-X2.jpg]
Test Fit

[Image: IMG_4469-L.jpg]
Wrapping the Railings

[Image: IMG_4470-XL.jpg]
Railings Complete

[Image: IMG_4527-L.jpg]
Mockup 1

[Image: IMG_4528-L.jpg]
Mockup 2

[Image: IMG_4534-X2.jpg]
Mockup 3

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