Freelance 2016-2
Don't worry. The wires are temporary for the test runs only. The hatch itself protects the right side and the left side will get a switch switching the power off operated by the hatch again. The old hatch had the same protection.
Currently are all operations on hold while both sides get ballasted.

Approaching the east end / hatch
[Image: 29486544276_523c6e8178_c.jpg]IMG_5099 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 29486544776_34bafc618e_c.jpg]IMG_5101 by faraway52, on Flickr

New wiring at the right side is in place and the back/under side is painted white.
[Image: 28897411464_831b7363a1_c.jpg]IMG_5103 by faraway52, on Flickr

The top side is medium gray. The wood cork combination was not as attractive as Wayne's wood surface.
[Image: 29443187541_9b653bebb2_c.jpg]IMG_5104 by faraway52, on Flickr

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