My expierience with big locos
These photos are showing my attempts to get the things right:

[Image: dsc00041tyson.jpg]
Here is the relative harmless engineer's side. The sandbox on the pilot deck got a filling lid, this part was primarily intended as a number plate for the smokebox front and redictated by me.

[Image: dsc00042idsb2.jpg]
Here a control photo of the firemen's side. The two lagged pipes coming out of the feedwater heater really submerging into the smokebox and reappears again unter the runing board if form of these two thick tubes. On prototype photos these tubes are lagged too.
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And my intention is to "catch" the look of the prototype according the given possiblities of this Westside Imports model. It can't be 100%, but i will make effort to get als close as i can.
The photos shown here helped me.

[Image: dsc000439us2a.jpg]

[Image: dsc00044yasdo.jpg]
Note there are some little changes and alterrations.

[Image: dsc00045h4shi.jpg]
The whole loco, still a interstage

Cheers Lutz

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