doctorwayne's Get off yer duff Challenge (Part II)
doctorwayne Wrote:nice to see that it didn't disappear, like a long-winded in-progress composition over on the MR Forum usually does

Gidday Doc, at the risk of trying the equivalent of “teaching my Grandma how to suck eggs” I now write all my forum posts on Word, then copy and paste. Then if the forum gremlins play up, I still have the original.
i fined this also helps wif me speling Punkchewation and Gramma!! Thumbsup
Alas it offers no assistance for improving the content. Nope

doctorwayne Wrote:All of this rigmarole is to aid in making the applied decal film less obvious.

I can see I’m going to have to try harder with my decals.
Cheers, the Bear. Smile
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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