Good things come in narrow packages
Its been a while hasn't it?
I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and ideas about how best to blend the river into the backdrop. In the end I have chosen to curve the river around to the left (or a close facsimile). I used sculptamold to give the banks the proper shape and flow, and added a small "island" to help hide the fake curve.
With the proper greenery/foliage etc. it should be pretty convincing...I hope. I still have to make the abutments of course.

[Image: NKl7UD.jpg]

[Image: jKyrxY.jpg]

[Image: iEimKJ.jpg]

I will be leaving the river "as is" until I get ready to do the groundcover.....but before I do that, I am going to start building the structures.

First up will be the coal house on the far left side of the layout.


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