Traction Tires for Diesels and Electrics?
I've seen Traction tires used on steam locomotive model to give them that extra pulling power, but i'm curious if such tires are availble for Diesels and electrics.

Specifically, i have a couple electric locomotives that have problems on our club's 4% grade.

ALP44 and AEM7s locomotives are runts, and they have a tough time going up hill. My AEM7 managed to pull 5 cars up hill, Which is fine, but i would like to see if couldn't get a larger train to be pulled up hill on its own. Even one extra car would be amazing. If you are familiar with these locomotives, they are small and compact, and barely have space for a decoder, let alone extra weight.

I also have some super heavy E60 locomotives that I rebuilt from the inside out to be heavy haulers, but even they struggle when a prototype train it put behind it. It is most frustrating for the NJ transit E60, since it seems that on some days, an 8 car train is literally no problem, and it will rocket up that hill with ease. On other days, the E60 stalls out. It seems that this locomotive accumulates lots of grime, and it gives it enough traction to pull up hill, but once the wheels are clean, it can't pull anymore. Even though this locomotive is larger, there is also little space inside the model for added weight.

A single traction tire should do the trick. I especially want something for my E60MA. I might have to double head it with the one i'm building (I've also seen the "Three Rivers" in New Jersey with a NEC P42DC behind an E60MA) to pull a full Silver Crescent or other Amtrak long distance trains, but if i had a traction tire, the E60MA's power seems strong enough to handle it single handedly.

I've seen traction tires on walthers, but i'm not sure if they need special wheelsets or not. Any suggestions?
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
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