Freelance 2017-1
A Facebook posting last week Thursday stated the Intermountain GP10 has been delivered to US dealers. Trainworld had them on stock and DHL Expressed dropped the parcel on hour ago at my doorstep.

My very first impression:

- It is a nice looking model. Lots of details and fine done.
- The Loksound decoder has lots of function. Much more then I use. Especially the mandatory humming sound at low speed of all ESU decoders is an option I could miss easily. The motor/exhaust sound is surprising whining. It is close to a turbo charged engine.
- The drive is ok and become better after 20 minutes break in. No it is not an Atlas drive but it is ok.
- Intermountain ships the shell with two extra stacks. You may remove them if you prefer the prototype stack arrangement Wink
- The handrail are not as flexible as I am used to. One arrived broken at the end of the can opener. No big deal but be carefully when handling.
- The engine negotiates my nasty 18" curve without problems.

Not perfect but I am glad I got mine after so many years of waiting. A good fit for a small switching layout in the 1980s.

[Image: 32571435144_66fe542d0e_c.jpg]
[Image: 33286200711_797d678e8d_c.jpg]

Another CR GP10 with DC only is on order thru eBay too. Should arrive end of next week. Two Tsunami 2 EMD 21 Pin sound decoders are locally ordered and supply a better sound without humming noise.
The Loksound 21 Pin decoder can be reprogrammed to everything and will be reused some time later. Perfect drives like the GMD-1 cause only little humming sound.

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