The TH&B had a train ready to head to the Erie Northshore's interchange near Port Maitland, but didn't have enough power available to get it there. Luckily, someone at TH&B's Chatham St. roundhouse knew someone at CNR's Stuart St. facility, where a loco, fresh out of the shops, was about to be sent out, light, to its home Division. After a little pulling of the right strings, the CNR loco showed up at Kinnear Yard, and the train was soon on its way.
A Northshore Mikado was waiting at the interchange when the train arrived, and when the TH&B loco cut off to head back to Hamilton with another train, simply coupled on, ahead of the interloper, and the train headed for Port Maitland.

Evidently, a railfan got word of the event, and was there to record the move through Port Maitland. Up front was Northshore's 632, a pretty-much stock copy of a USRA Light Mike...

[Image: INTERCHANGE%20FREIGHT%20OFF%20THE%20THB......%20001.jpg]

...while CNR's 3239, another Mikado, was a member of their S-1-a class...

[Image: INTERCHANGE%20FREIGHT%20OFF%20THE%20THB......%20002.jpg]

Both locos would take water at Lowbanks, and again at South Cayuga, and after turning on the wye at Airline Junction, would head for Mount Forest, Grand Valley's northern terminus. After being serviced there, the 3239 headed over to the CNR interchange, and then back to its home on the Leetown Division.


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