Looking for tips on using Scalecoat 2 paint
Mark, the first time I used Scalecoat, (pre-I and -II) I was a regular user of Floquil, and I had always used lacquer thinner with that. It just seemed natural to carry on as usual. I also use lacquer thinner with SMP's Accupaint and some Humbrol stuff, along with Testors Dullcote and Glosscote.
In those days, there was only one hobbyshop, within reasonable driving distance, that carried Scalecoat, and I don't ever recall seeing Scalecoat-specific thinner there. I'm not sure, but perhaps someone there suggested lacquer thinner, which, to one using it for other paints, sounded totally reasonable. I certainly does work well.
And no matter what type of paint I'm using, whether with brush or airbrush, clean-up is with lacquer thinner. Until a couple of years ago, when the formula for lacquer thinner was changed, it was also my solvent-type cement-of-choice,. The revised version still works for paint thinning and clean-up, but is useless as a solvent-type cement for styrene.


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