Old Steamers
doctorwayne Wrote:
gna Wrote:....Not quite....Pennsy E6-B60B baggage car-P70 coach--anyone?

Aha!! The 1223 and the so-called "Lindbergh" train. Apparently, it also saw some time on the Strasburg line, too.

Ding-Ding-Ding! We have a winner!

I don't model the Pennsy (well, I guess I do now :oops: ), but I learned about the Lindbergh trainwhen researching the E6. PRR 460 was saved and fully restored in late 2016, in time for the 90th anniversary of its run: https://www.facebook.com/events/152563981876893/ Looks like my tender is incorrect, though...

doctorwayne Wrote:Those printed parts look like an affordable solution, but are the Bachmann axles a square cross-section?


Let me look--mine are not. I suppose I could email the seller and ask about the parts.

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