1 : 1 scale modeling
As far as the rewire job goes here is a before pic.


I numbered 5 items that needed attention here, all these things have been like this for years as done by the B&R 30 to 40 years ago and are now failing.
#1-  is an uninsulated connection that is arcing to the bad insulation on #5 ( that is now striped back )

#2- Bad insulation on a wire that has been squashed between the #3 and 4 contactor that needs to be repaired and relocated   

#3- is a unused connection that is not connected to it's terminal and needs to be removed

#4- needs new wire run to the bottom of the contactor and new insulation

#5- same as #4

No wonder that this unit shutdown on us a few times this year. Nope

Here is the after.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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