Paired Tunnel Portals
4. The concrete framework around the portals was modelled with thin cardboard (cereal box cardboard) and some balsa strip wood. I also added retaining walls - each one a sandwich of a thick cardboard triangle between two thin cardboard covers.

5. + 6. The next step: Painting the face of the portals with acrylic paint.
On cardboard models it is important to use the first layer of paint full strength out of the tube to prevent warping. Therefore I applied a first coat of stone gray, then let it dry for a day. After this I added a first weathering coat. On a palette (a cheap plastic plate will do!) I mixed stone gray, light gray, black, and a few tiny drops of ochre and brick red to get the somewhat mottled look of concrete.

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Boss of the Trim Creek & Western RR (H0 & H0n3)
Running through the hard-shell mountains, not around them!

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