First attempt at scratch building.
Looking great there guys.

I've learned just to experiment. I generally use scrap material that's laying around (due to either being cheap or broke) and have had some varied results.

I built a couple of outhouses using scrap wood from a tangerine box (one had the door working and the other was not as successful), I've used plastic to build a boat trailer, scraps of balsa wood to make a waterline boat etc. I also used some scrap wood to make a picnic table for the cottage model I have. The cottage model was a high school assignment and I never got around to pitching it. Of course, this particular model is being retired after a replacement is made. The replacement is going to be HO (like the items I made) and should have more improvements on it. The current cottage model is 1:100.

Good luck and above all, have fun!

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