MWaz Get off your duff challenge
Moving on from all the work that went on with re-doing the drive mechanism and pick ups, it is time to start getting back to detailing the locomotive. It looks like I'm to working on the cab details. Other then the painting I already done in the cab, I want to add some window frames and glazing along with an engineer and fireman, along with the back plate. I started with windows this weekend giving Microscales' Micro Kristal Klear a try on the front cab windows.

[Image: IMG_1248_zpstckhmalb.jpg]

Following the direction and a online video I found on Youtube on how to apply the stuff, it was pretty easy. Here's a window with it first applied. Kind of looks like Elmer's glue.

[Image: IMG_1249_zpso5jjkvf7.jpg]

And after one dries.

[Image: IMG_1250_zpsfwjx1iiz.jpg]

The other cab windows I'll do with clear styrene. I'd like to see if I can get the window to look like these. Drawing is from Steam Locomotive Encyclopedia.

[Image: IMG_E1262_zpszijmzlwp.jpg]

First, I cut the clear styrene to size and installed.

[Image: IMG_1259_zps3oggxwco.jpg]

Made a window frame.

[Image: IMG_1260_zpsac1akn5h.jpg]

I used this size styrene for the window frame.

[Image: IMG_E1263_zpsqcdip7wx.jpg]

Then added some Brunswick Green, but it whet on a little glumpy. When it dries I'll sand it down a bit and repaint it.

[Image: IMG_1261_zpsqxde76ww.jpg]

Not sure yet how to do the window behind the completed one yet. Want to leave it open for the fireman.

Also, please excuse all the dust on the boiler. Things can get pretty dusty down in my basement. I'll clean the boiler up for the next installment.



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