A hole in the wall X4 - a liftout bridge (page 12)
Russ Bellinis Wrote:Where does that spur go that comes off the mainline near where you noted the Animas River Valley? Does it just end as a hidden track or does it go over and connect to the wye at Cumbree? That passing siding just above the "Durango 3"" is an alternate reverse loop and needs to be wired accordingly.

nachoman Wrote:First, I always try to avoid having inaccessible turnouts. Second, ...exaggerated topography. In other words, there will be a relatively steep escarpment between Cumbres and windy point, and the track going under the bridge and into the tunnel in the animas river valley may look a little strange, especially since you will see the durango yard right atop the tunnel portal.
Thanks guys for the feedback. I've thought about your comments and made a few minor changes to reflect.
Russ, the spur should be easier to follow now, but yes, just as you suspected, it connects to the wye. As far as reverse loops, I've changed the color of the two sections I thought would need to be wired as reverse loops to red. Let me know if I have figured this out wrong. My only concern there, is the section of the wye that will be the reverse loop, turns out to only be 1'9" long. They always say to make your reverse loops just a tad longer than your longest train. This does not allow me to have a very long train. Thinkin' on that one. I also want to wire up the switches at the entrances of the reverse loops to be automatic.
Kevin, I addressed the inaccessible turnout issue by sliding the whole upper level to the right by 3 inches. That section will still be hidden but at least now, I can make some removeable scenery to go above it for ease of access. In that area, I'll only be looking at a height difference of 3". I don't think the escarpment will be that bad. Cumbres pass used to be covered with snowsheds and I'm thinking where that one section of the wye dives into a tunnel, I'll cover that entrance up with a snowshed. As far as the tunnel disappearing below the Durango yard, hmmmm, I think we'll just call that a modeling liberty that can't be helped.


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