Meanwhile, at the cottage...a scratchbuild!
ocalicreek Wrote:[albumimg]BTW, I don't understand the car in the garage thing.[/albumimg]

You must be living in California. Although, I guess this phenomenon isn't limited to CA...but it's the first place I really saw it in action, using your garage for pretty much anything other than your car, and usually only for storing STUFF. Lots of STUFF.

I have really only seen one CA garage devoted solely to trains and really done well. This was for an On3 layout - actually, there were TWO On3 layouts in a garage setting where the garage was clean, well lit, floor painted or sealed somehow. It was wierd and a little frightening, to be honest, and appealing all at the same time.

I'm NOT looking forward to having too much stuff in a smaller space than what I've got now, except that I know it'll only be temporary. This house has WAY more storage than our present place, so I can already list several items or groups of items that will not be in the garage and will find a new home in a closet or pantry or laundry room, etc. This gives me hope that someday I too can frighten and appeal to other modelers trapped in their own personal garage hell of STUFF.

Around here it is said "a clean well organized garage is a sign of a sick mind". In that case I'm doing good. Icon_lol


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