N&W Caboose Lighting -or- When One Thing Leads to Another...
ocalicreek Wrote:Found One!
I won't take up any more room on your thread with pictures of this little gal...mebbe she'll get her own someday. No DCC...yet!

No problem Galen! And besides, I did ask!

Russ, good point about the additional pickup source.

It seems that a lot of model railroading niche stuff falls into what we call "tribal knowledge" at work. I.e. I may take for granted that a certain widget is easy to get a hold of, because my LHS stocks it (or I have family or friends that know about it). Others that don't go to my LHS or know my family or friends (my tribal knowledge base) may assume that that widget is very difficult to get, or may not be aware that the widget even exists.

Boards like this serve an invaluable role in getting that knowledge into the larger community (preaching to the choir, I know... Big Grin )

Dr. Wayne - I'll make sure I keep the lights on in my basement if you meander over! 357

Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio

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