HOn3 track - Shinohara?
I've had no problems with micro spikes and Kappler ties...no pre-drilling (disclaimer: my ties are O scale...which won't split as easily as HOn3 ones). I found that using needlenose pliers (emphasis on the needle...the smaller the better) was essential, rather than my usual tools. I'm switching to micro spikes for all future trackwork. I did lose far more than when working with the medium variety...but I had too large of pliers for them. I find the look (and their compatibility with Grandt Line tie plates) to just be to die for. They have me thinking about adding fishplates and respiking the rest of my layout 2285_

[Image: IMG_2397.jpg]

Here is a short stretch of On2 I laid with Code 55 rail and micro spikes. I'm making the provision for a short stretch of On2 along the mainline. Also pictured is the mainline with Code 100 rail/medium spikes, old HOn3 track with C70/medium/Kappler contour ties, and the C55 nscale flex track which served as the source for my On2 rail.

No, the On2 is not much of a diversion. I've long had a couple On2 cars...as well as a B-man Porter which I've been planning to convert to On2. I just had a bunch of 5'6" ties leftover from shortening some switch ties...and decided that I need to prepare for the On2 option before the scenery is in place. This was my test track.

You can experiment with C55 hand laying quite easily...especially with the soldering approach. Just buy some C55 N scale track and swipe the rail. I do think that Kevin is probably in the majority view on the rail size...but I really like C55 rail.
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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