Question about the proposed economic stimulus
It's hard not to agree to do the right thing, in this case, give cash to help those financially hurt by this panic. My concern is that things get changed as these types of things get put in place and invariably, a large amount of the money alloted goes to those that don't need it but will take it anyway, those that have some sort of advantage to get a bigger chunk of the pie, and those that are able to swindle the system. Lets hope they can avoid these kinds of things and get real help to those that need it and make other resources available as well. I remember years ago there was something that was causing food shortages or the ability to buy food and the government broke out their stash of stored goods to ease the situation. I can't remember what the situation was, nor when it happened, I just remember them distributing massive amounts of cheese and other staples that they had stored when they were trying to stabilize markets for those products.
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: Question about the proposed economic stimulus - by ezdays - 03-18-2020, 05:01 PM

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