GN. Observation Johan Carlson
doctorwayne Wrote:
Empirebuilder Wrote:A'ha I'll defintley need a pair of those stirup steps for my combine and Ihad already decided on replacing the truss rod thread with wire as i found after digging in my junk box a bunch of turnbuckles. Thumbsup

The stirrup steps were made from Detail Associates .010"x.030" brass bar - I made a simple wooden jig with fittings for three different widths, which makes soldering them together fairly easy.

I used monofilament fishing line for truss rods - if you use the un-tinted variety, then mask-off the turnbuckle area when airbrushing, the centre of the turnbuckle will appear to be open. To keep tension on the line, I do all rods with a single length of line, looping it across the top of the floor to get to the next position. Then I cement only the two ends in place, leaving the loops simply held in place by tension. If, over time, the line stretches, I simply insert suitably thick pieces of styrene between the loops and the floor, tightening the "rods" in a somewhat similar manner as did the prototype.

Ha' monofilament .....I have some of that in my tackle box, 20lb test .what size did you use?

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