Old Photos with unidentified dates or locations
Well, Charlie, your photo looks to me to have been taken sometime in the early 1890s, and appears to be a Pennsy locomotive - the give-away is the Belpaire firebox and the number plate on the front of the smokebox.  It's still got slide valves and an oil headlight, and all of the passenger cars still have truss rods, too.
The carriage , just beyond the loco, is of a pretty old design, but I'd guess that the person owning it keeps it in good repair.
There's a pole in the background with lots of crossarms, but it could be for either telegraph or telephone, as both were relatively common by this time - not necessarily in every household, though.

I'd guess that if the photo were from a later date, Pennsy would have had an electric headlight on that Atlantic.

I'm also guessing that you know a lot more about this photo, Charlie, so I don't mind being called-out on my mistakes.


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RE: Old Photos with unidentified dates or locations - by doctorwayne - 08-16-2020, 10:17 PM

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