Valspar Clear Flat Finish vs. Dullcoat
I have used krylon matte finish during times when money was tight and did not have a local source of dullcote. I never had a problem with it attacking any finishes or plastics. But, I found it to be not quite as flat as the dullcote (it is more satin than flat), and after a year or so of storage, the spray would still go on even, but little white blotches would appear on the finish. At first, I thought the blotches were dust that blew into the model, but later determined it was the finish itself. My synopsis of this product: An adequate substitute, but the cans do not have infinite shelf life.

I also prefer to spray dullcote from an airbrush rather than a spray bomb. But- sometimes I just have a quick small job and it is a hassle to mix up a little dullcote and clean up the airbrush. I will definitely give this valspar product a try. Do you have any comparison photos to share?
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