Does your layout reflect your personality?
This is an interesting thread.

I too am an introvert. Actually, I am a misanthropist. This is as close to social as I get. I have no freinds, per se, and have no need for them. I am happiest when I am left alone. My wife knows this, she doesn't really respect it, but she knows it. I am a man of few words as well. I don't talk much, to anyone. The most I communicate is here, on this forum.

I am a control freak. My layout has to be the way I want it, and I will not accept anyone telling me that it should be different. I don't mind advice, and will even seek it out, but in the end I know that it is just advice and is a "take it or leave it" proposition. This could also be chalked up to non-conformity. The rebel in me never went away.

I am my own worst critic as well. I am not terribly interested in flawless execution of any project I am working on, but it HAS TO match the image I have in my head, or I will throw it out and start over.

The lack of progress on my layout shows that I am terribly lazy, and lack focus. I have at least 4 different projects that are partially completed. I am too busy looking at what others have done to do it myself.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.

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