Repowering a pair of hudsons
Older imports don't cost anything like what modern imports costs. The production runs of the Japanese imports were much larger than the modern Korean runs. I consider $1600 for an HO locomotive to be about 5x-10x more than I'd ever consider.

Two years ago, I purchased an On3 brass 2-6-0 for $230. It isn't great, but its much cheaper than the new diecast engines. I also purchased another NKP hudson for $230 (iirc). It had a poor paint job and lacked elephant ears, which lowered its price. Of course, these purchases pretty much grounded my hobby budget for the rest of the year.

My view on brass is that I'll buy it if it is a model of a locomotive I really want, yet isn't available in plastic/diecast and the price is good enough that it makes it easier than bashing something else. I see it as the way to obtain less popular prototypes to run, not collecting or a way to get better power.

There have been at least 4 NKP berks offered in plastic/diecast, so I see no point in brass (sorry Tony K.). I'd rather modify a plastic engine to equal or exceed a brass one. There have been numerous USRA light 2-8-2s to use for the NKP's H-6 mikes. While there have been NYC H-5s in brass, I'll probably use athearn usra or b-man 2-8-0 mechanisms when its time to build mine. For 2-8-0s, I'll have to bash a B-man 2-8-0 and scratch build any others I'd like...there isn't even a starting point for bashing. The 0-8-0s and 0-6-0s I'll use normal USRA power as starting points...plastic USRA. The 4-6-0s are scratch from the ground up. The 4-6-2s start from USRA light mechanisms...none have been offered in brass. That leaves the eight NKP hudsons as the only locomotives which are an option in brass. The starting point for a bash would be a USRA light 4-6-2 mechanism.

As for my South Park...I'd rather start from scratch or bash a BLI 2-8-0 to obtain South Park and C&S 2-8-0s. The brass ones are only C&S...and they are too pricey for me. Modern moguls are available, the only 1880s import is slightly below my standards, and the modern ones are too $$$...B-man's 2-6-0 is a better starting point. I hate working with brass. It is slow and doesn't yield a better result than I won't bash a brass import. That leaves only the Mason Bogies. I won't pay the $1000+ price for one of them...they're not worth 1/2 that to me. If a diecast one is released, I'll get it. Since I'm targeted 1884-85, I don't need Mason Bogies. The 30 locomotives from Cooke displaced the Masons.

The engine pictured here I bought in 2004...didn't get the valve gear straightened out enough to run until 2006...and probably won't be painted or received a Tsunami for another year.
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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