The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Hello friends. 
I have been missing for the most part because of many things needing done around the house.  
We put a new metal roof on last month. By We, I mean My son, brother in law, wife,  and one of my sons friends. I had all the metal precut so the job only took 2 work days (between rains.) I am very pleased with the new look, and it will last my lifetime for sure.     

The next project was a raised garden. I love the fresh veggies but my back will not handle bending, and titanium knees don't feel good kneeling. I saw a raised garden made from plastic barrels so I made one using 4 of them. I finished planting last night.       

Today we are building a four foot fence along one side of the porch. It will provide a little wind break when we are out. We have a lot of wind here except when you want a cool breeze. 

So I have also been waiting for decals to finish the locomotives I painted and they arrived yesterday. Hopefully my back will ease enogpugh for me to get with the program. 

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 05-19-2021, 11:22 AM

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