doctorwayne's 2021 Do Something Challenge - Part 2
I'm a little late to add this, but it's been a busy day here.

Here are some photos of what's finished, and what still needs some work.

This one is for a friend.... be delivered tomorrow...

...along with this (which wasn't part of my Challenge, but it was a challenge.... it was my first attempt at modifying a locomotive for "dead rail" operation.  The tender is pretty-well full, with a wireless DCC decoder, and an 11 volt rechargeable battery. I've also added an LED headlight and back-up light, but can't make sense at all on how to programme it correctly, so the loco's owner will be taking it to the guy who supplied the DCC hardware.

Here's another water car for another friend...


This one is finished, but still needs to be weathered...


This one was given to me by another friend, and although it wasn't originally part of this Challenge, I decided to add it in, as it needed a few repairs to the ladders - one had broken away from the roof, while the other one was missing both of the curved tops.  The car was, I believe, originally a CB&Q caboose, but it's now an EG&E car, also needing a little weathering....


This one, painted just today, will be another EG&E water car...


As you can see, it's a little different from the other two small  tenders.  All of these cars were modified in the car shop at Lowbanks, and one of the crew there suggested that while these cars could be water cars with a small tool house in the former coal bunker, as was done to the other two cars, it might be useful if the tool shed portion could also double as a covered coal bunker. 
This would be useful to keep the coal (likely for use with a derrick, rather than a loco) out of the elements, especially in the winter, where unprotected coal might freeze together in one solid block simply sitting somewhere for weeks or months without being called for duty.  A stoker with a shovel would make little headway with the coal frozen together.
I tested the arrangement at the Mount Forest coaling tower....


...and it looks like the chute can best direct the coal into the open hatch furthest from the tower, with little to no spillage, as the hatch opening is limited (I was going to put chains on the hatches to limit their movement, but the angle iron around the opening takes care of that....



I'll wait until Tuesday to put a coat of clear gloss onto this tender, as most of the lettering will be with decals, and will add more pictures when all of the cars are lettered and weathered.


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RE: doctorwayne's 2021 Do Something Challenge - Part 2 - by doctorwayne - 06-20-2021, 10:31 PM

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