Name that Layout
The town had a funeral today. It turned out that the man that died was shot by his buddy. They were out hunting and drinking, two things that do not mix. As you can see the guy that shot him is still drinking.... the dead guys dog is at a loss and the whole thing is being over looked by the dead guy and his escort to the after life. The worst part is he doesnt have any other friends and his ma ma is the only other person there.

Well have a look and feel free to leave our friendless dead guy a note of sorrow.
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Here we see what happens when you mix alcohol and hunting. Turns out Steef pictured here:
had gone hunting with his friend Bud. You have to pronounce Bud's name like the frogs from the Budweiser commercials.
Turns out Steef got shot by Bud accidently of course while hunting wabbit with Steefs dog Einstein. Yeah they are from the hills as I am sure you guessed. So since the accident Bud is now Einsteins owner. Steef has a new friend named Grim, pictured with Steef above, and we also see Steefs mother at the funeral. Her name is Mabel. Sadly no one else came to Steefs funeral since he didnt have any other friends or family. All the pictures were courtesy of the local paper who has been following the story since the Sheriff wasnt sure if Bud, his second cousin, had shot Steef accidently or not.
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Restless Undertakers was kind enough to donate their services for the funeral since Steef had no life insurance to cover his expenses.
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Here is Einstein at his masters grave wondering where he has gone.
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Here we see Bud enjoying his beer and drowning his sorrow about his friend.

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The graveyard was setup by my wife, she placed all the headstones, planted the grass and placed the trees we built together. She also placed the flowers and the dirt road the cars drive on. I think she did a damn good job!

[Image: HOST_THANKYOU.jpg]

Next update I will show you the new project that is tearing up Container Street. They are buidling a new High Rise building and with all the construction going on it is going to cause havoc. There is a tower crane, road closures and traffic cones every where. Not to mention new pipes being installed supplies coming in for the new building and even a Police Officer directing traffic, WHAT A MESS!

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